Dear Colleagues:
Please consider submitting a proposal for a workshop or presentation at the conference to be held from May 24th to 30th 2017 in Toronto Canada. In order to focus the program the Scientific Committee has divided the general theme into three domain areas:
Sexuality, including love, attachment and relationship
Chronic relational trauma
Social consciousness and social action
The Scientific Committee will give priority to presentations that address one of these areas, or relates to the general theme in some other way. Also, preference will be given to presentations that focus on the applications to clinical practice.
Down below you can see the form to be filled in. Please feel free to contact any of the members of the SC with questions or for assistance.
With best wishes,
Scott Baum,
Léia Cardenuto
Alex Munroe
Fina Pla
Liane Zink
Presentation Form 2017
IIBA Conference
May 24-30, 2017
Presenter information:
Email address:
Mailing address:
Country: Postal/zip code:
Bioenergetic society:
Presentation information:
1. Title of presentation: language of presentation and English
1. Focus of presentation: language of presentation and English
2. Description of presentation: language of presentation and English (limited to 50 words, as you want description to appear in program)
3. Length of presentation: [ ]1.5 hours [ ]3hrs
4. Teaching styles: [ ]experiential [ ]didactic [ ]demonstration [ ]discussion
5. Equipment needed: number [ ] flipchart [ ] stool [ ] mattress
[ ] pillow [ ] towel [ ] blanket
Please note: presenters planning to use A/V equipment must bring their own or arrange to rent it on site.
1. Language of presentation: ______________
Please note: if presenter will provide translation, please indicate into which language(s):
2. Maximum number of participants [ ]
Submission instructions:
Proposals should be sent to Ms. Pilar Llobregat, IIBA Executive Administrator :
Presenters will be required to register for the conference before final approval of proposed presentations.
Thank you for submitting a proposal for the 24th IIBA conference.
Scientific Committee
Scott Baum.
Léia Cardenuto
Alex Munroe
Fina Pla
Liane Zink